
Showing posts from October, 2015
Event : VEDIC LDCE  Camp Venue : Dakor, 90 km South west of Ahmedabad Date : 11th October Participants : 84   Dakor is the place where Lord Krishna is said to have taken shelter, having run from battle with Jarasandha. The gold plated spears of temple of Krishna as Ranchorji, in Dakor,  built in 1780's   "  Janma Karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattva  tyaktva deham purnam janma naiti mam iti so Arjuna" Bg 4.9 " Upon undertsanding the transcendental nature of My birth and activities, one doesn't have to take birth again in material world, but he comes to Me" Map showing loction of Dakor Lord Krishna's activities  are always transcendental, even though they  may sometimes seem similar to that humans. Running from battle is an act of cowardice for others, but the Lord became worshipable, even for this. And is still worshipped here in Dakor, around 5,000 years after He ran from the battle. First we went